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We are "Hands-In" 4 The Soil!

Sarah Koth

To celebrate National Agriculture Week 2024 (March 17-23), we asked you to share photos of how you are "Hands-In" for the soil. We are amazed at how many of you showed your love for the soil! Thank you for sending in your photos and stories. We created a gallery of this week's contributors, and we hope to see more of how you are 4 The Soil, for the future!

Why the "4"?

Soil health is a complex topic. Soil is more than the dirt under our feet and the ground we stand on. It’s a living ecosystem and it impacts our world in more ways than we might think, including our agriculture.

We can all be for the soil, so let’s take care of it.

To help simplify the actions we can take, and keeping in mind the need for context, we highlight the 4 core principles of soil health management. 

To represent each of the four core principles, we hold up four fingers. 4 The Soil, 4 the 'Gram (but mostly 4 the Soil).

I'm "Hands-In" 4 The Soil!

Join the movement! Send your photo to Mary Sketch-Bryant, the Director of the Virginia Soil Health Coalition, at with your name, details you'd like to share, and where you (and the soil!) are located for a chance to be featured on our materials and win 4 The Soil swag. 


4 the Soil is an initiative by the Virginia Soil Health Coalition and Virginia Cooperative Extension to raise awareness of soil as an agricultural and natural resource. By caring for the soil, we can build healthier communities, stronger economies, and a more resilient landscape. Stay connected by signing up for our newsletter at 

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